Vacation photos

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bragging Rights

Every parent should brag about their kids and I am sure that I do my fair share, but today was especially good. Today Justin brought home is report card. He recieved 4's (which is really good) in reading, math, & social studies and 3's on everything else. He did great, we are very proud! Also, right before dinner, without being told to, he picked up all the toys outside by himself and when he came inside, he set the table for dinner without me asking. He is such a blessing!

My little girl had a great day today as well. Emilie quietly played all day and played really nicely when our next door neighbor came to play. She is so funny, she makes everyone smile and laugh! Tonight at the dinner table, Justin was wondering what cheese and strawberries would taste like together and Emilie said like cherries then burst out lauging like it was the funniest thing to say! We all ended up laughing. Just before bedtime though, she said "mommy I love you, your my best friend". That just melted my heart. We are so very blessed to have such wonderful children!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

We ended up taking 7 different pictures of the family, this one believe it or not turned out to be the best! We also took some individual ones of the kids as well, which we will get on here sooner or later.

Okay, here is our cute little Easter Bunny! Her name is Angel Chica O'Brien. She is such a cute thing! We did try to take pictures with her, but she decided she wanted nothing to do with the whole thing. We put her in between the kids, but something scared her, so she bit Emilie. My poor little girl cried then said, "I still love you bunny!" We calmed them both down and finished taking our family pictures! The kids did have a wonderful time the whole day and we finished with a nice ham dinner. I sure hope that everyone else had a wonderful Easter like we did. Love and hugs to all!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Break!

Well, it is the middle of spring break and I am ready for school to start again. Yesterday was especially hard, depressing, boring, etc..... It rained for over 12 hours here, so the kids that I watched and my own of course, could not go outside. No peace, no quiet, mess everywhere, yelling, shouting, and tantrums (you know it is the usual at least here)! The weather report this morning said that McKinney got almost 5 inches of rain yesterday! I think I am ready for summer. Well, today was library day, so at least we had something to do. I took my two and Justin's friend with us. They got to pick out books and play a bit in the kids section. I did get some quiet to get some cleaning done after we returned Justin, actually got more books then he was supposed to, but he wanted to learn more about the bunny we now have for a pet! After Easter, I will get some pictures of her and the kiddos so everyone can see. Anyway, I really hope that the rest of my week will go better otherwise, Heather might go something something! LOL Wish me luck everone, I am taking kids to the park tommorow. Who knows, they all might just get so tired and come back here to take a nap! he he he he A

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So far this year

This year has brought about a lot of sickness for my family (with the exception of Aaron). Him being sick lasts 2 days at the most sometimes 3 days. So far this year the kids and I have been sick 3 times and each time it lasts about 2 weeks! Rotavirus was the worst, we ended up having to take Emilie to the ER! Not fun! At least the weather seems to be getting warmer. Spring break is now upon us as we near the end of the 3rd quarter for school. Report cards will come home the week after, and beings his progress report was good, I am sure his report card will also be good. Our whole family is looking forward to the summer approaching all for various reasons, but the biggest reason of all is that the kids get to spend 3 weeks with Aaron's mom and dad. Justin most of all misses his grandparents, he thinks the are the greatest thing since sliced bread! Anyway, I will try to keep everyone posted as the year progresses. Love and miss everyone!