Vacation photos

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Need to Vent Real Quick

I just need to vent about myself for a little bit. I feel I was a bit naive for the 2008 year. I watch kids before and after school and did not think that I earned enough money to pay self employment taxes, well turns out I did make enough and my taxes are hefty! I am soooo mad at myself! I now know that if I continue what I am doing I am going to have to set aside money to pay for the taxes for 2009 as well as pay them quarterly! UGH, I am wondering if this is worth the hassle!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas and New Year

Well, our Christmas went well, and let me tell you it was definitly quiet. The kids got out for Christmas break and I watched the extra kids. I threw a little party for the kids the day before Christmas Eve. They all had a blast. Justin's big gift was a brand new razor bike. We bought a bag for it to cover, but found it was see through! Emile's big gift was a pink Hello Kitty TV, we covered with a bag as well, but ended up that we just threw a large blanket over it. Surprisingly enough, they did not peek and did wait till we got up. They actually waited till about 8:30 before we got out of bed. They opened their stockings first and played with all the little things first. We then had breakfast, although right now, I have no idea what we all ate. Then we opened all the gifts. Emile pulled the bag down around her TV, but it was not until we opened the box that she realized what it was. It was funny! Anyway, our family gift this year was Guitar Hero! We all love it and there are some cute pictures of the kids with it. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family!Thanks Kate, the kids love their t-shirts, they wore them the very next day!Justin, Emilie, & Mrs. Pickens at Justin's Winter party at the last day of school before break!Emilie tried real hard, but I think maybe she hit 2 notes out of the whole song!Justin loved playing Guitar Hero! He thinks he is a rock star!Justin's new bike, he was real excited and it was warm enough to go outside without a coat on Christmas day!