Vacation photos

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My blanket

Here is the blanket I made for Emilie. It was originally supposed to be a baby blanket for her little baby, but as you can see, it is a bit bigger then her baby. Emilie uses it as a throw when she is sitting watching tv. It took me a good 4 1/2 months to finish, but I am glad I did. The blanket is nowhere perfect, but that is what I like about it and Emilie loves it as well.

I have also taken up small projects with my sewing machine that I got for Christmas. I have sewn 5 pillows and 4 bean bags with it. If there is anyone with easy patterns that would be good for a begginer sewer, please let me know. I am also interested in crocheting with the plastic bags, good crafty stuff for this summer!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Weekend & Grocery Shopping

Over the weekend:
Saturday, we went to the park next to Vega Elementary and kicked the soccer ball around then played at the park. The kids had fun, Justin even saw someone that was in his Kindergartin class last year. On Sunday, we took the kids up to the middle school and Aaron, Emilie and myself played tennis while Justin played with his over-sized remote control truck. When we lost a ball Justin would take the truck to go pick them up and bring them back. It was cute! We all had fun. I also should brag a little, while the kids and I were at church, Aaron was nice enough to clean the whole kitchen and trim the hedges. Thanks Aaron!

I did not feel like grocery shopping over the weekend, so I decided to give it another shot with Emilie today. It for the most part was not too bad. But I still would rather have done it by myself. I let her sit in the big part of the basket (she was happy about that). She talked what seemed like the whole time we were at Wal Mart! We would pass something and she would ramble on about for 2-3 aisles. I told her if she could be good, I would let her pick something for lunch. All of a sudden while we were in the craft section, she said mommy we need eggs. I said no we don't, we have enough. She argued with me for the next 15 minutes saying we really did need eggs. There I started feeling a headache coming on. My usual shopping trip takes about 1 hour, this shopping trip took 1 hour & 45 minutes! YIKES! Even so, it was a pretty good change of pace and I talked with Emilie instead of myself.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I've Been Tagged!?!

**Ok, I am going to do this a little bit different, because I don't know that many people that have blogs. Some of this will be e-mails.**

Rules are:1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7 Random Facts About Me

1. I was born in Anchorage, Alaska and I lived there for 19 years. I have not been back to Alaska since 1995.
2. I don't feel like I am good at making friends, but once I do make a friend, they are a friend for life! Miss ya Audrie and Kimi!
3. I would be extremly happy to just be able to sit down and read a book, with no distractions.
4. I really really really do not like doing dishes or laundry!
5. In order to survive daily life, I make lists for anything that I have to do that day. If I get it all done, I would be thrilled, but usually I have 2 or 3 things left everyday!
6. My kids and husband are everything to me, they are the reason I get up everyday.
7. I seriously do not like shopping for myself. I especially do not like buying clothes for myself right now.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

My garden

We are trying a garden for the 3rd year in a row. Last year actually went pretty good, so we tried it again this year. I guess by trying different things, we will eventually figure out what we really want. We found out last year that we did not want to plant corn again for sure and the banana peppers did not work either. We tried a whole new approach this year. We ended up getting way too many things to fit into our 6' X 6' garden. It did end up okay though because I ended up ripping out my flower garden to make room for the strawberries and onions. I also found a big pot to put the rubarb in. We also ended up putting the jalapenos and bell peppers in flower boxes. Aaron was also nice enough to frame our main garden. I sure hope we get something out of it this year.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Funny things kids say

Emilie: She had just gotten out of the bath tub a few days ago and I told her to come into her room to get dressed. Emilie looked at me and said "I have a little butt and you have a big butt!" That got me laughing. Emilie also sometimes carries a small picture of Tate and herself. I asked her why she liked the picture so much, she said "Tate my best friend." If you ask her about other people she knows, she will say they are her best friend as well. Emilie what about Auntie Heather? "She my best friend too."
Justin: Well, besides making up his own jokes all the time, which no one understands but himself, the funniest thing he has said lately is......"Mom can Eric be my brother?" No Justin, you two are not related at all. "But mom he is my best friend and I want him to be my brother." Justin, there is no way, you two are no where near related! Then he either drops or pesters me further about it. For those who did not know, Eric moved across the street from us last summer. He comes to our house every day before and after school.

On another note, Emilie wanted to let everyone know that she stopped sucking on her fingers. We were so proud of her that we went to the store and got her big girl polish. The color she picked out is a glittery pale pink, so it is a little hard to see. I also tried to french braid her hair today. The braid is not all that great, but it is a start. If anyone has any tips for me, I am all ears!

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Oh fabulous happy day!!! I finished my garden, kids were good, & the highlight.......Aaron fixed the scooter. I saw it with my own eyes, he rode it down the road. My enjoyment is because the last time it was running, was over 6 months ago!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, and Aaron is fixing dinner all by himself! YEAH! It is a good day! I sure hope everyone has a blessed weekend!

Friday, April 4, 2008


WooHoo! It's Friday and I had a pretty darn good day. Oh wait, now I can't remember why it was so great, oh now I remember (sorry, I am a mom).......I went to the dentist (again). Ok you all are probably thinking why does that make it a good day. Well actually that is not what made my day, what really did it was Aaron stayed home and watched Emilie while I went to the dentist. I did not have her stuck to my rear end or hear her constant talking (it's really alot folks). I love my baby girl, but every mom needs a break now and then. Besides Aaron insisted that after I was done with my appointment that I should take as long as I needed coming home. I think I was gone just over 3 hours. I went shopping, and picked up a few things, probably stuff I really did not need. When I got home, I did garden some more. Tore out half of my flower bed and in it's place I put strawberries and onions. I still have no joke about 40 more onion bulbs that I need to plant. I guess tommorow I will tear up the rest of my flower bed and plant the rest of the onions. Tommorow is also a Home Depot Saturday, so we will take the kids there as well. Okey dokey I suppose I better get some sleep, I am actually much to do so little time. Have a great weekend everybody.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Never a Dull Moment

Do you ever feel like you are going non-stop? Lately, I always feel like that. There is always something going on in and around the O'Brien household. Every day this week I have come and gone from my house at least 4 times, if not more. The weather has been iffey this week so I have been driving Aaron to work this week. We are going on our 3rd dental appointment this week. For all who know me, you know I really do not like the dentist. Also driving to Emilie's school Tuesday's and Thursday's. Not all was bad though, because I did have good real "adult" conversation, which in my book is fun. On Tuesday I went out and about with Jalynn, we did a little shopping and had lunch. Thanks Jalynn! Anyway, because of all the running around, my house looks like kids destroyed it (which is probably really what happened). Problem is I really do not feel like cleaning AT ALL! For those you who know me, my house hardly ever looks like this! I had to take a picture, because I almost could not believe this was my house! Well, Aaron will be home from work tommorow, so I can always have him watch Emillie for an hour, so maybe I will get some work done. We shall see. Have a great day Yall!