Vacation photos

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Emilie Graduation & Zoo

Yeah, I know I am way behind, but better late then never. I thought that I would let everyone see a couple pics of Emilie graduating pre-school in May. She was so adorable!

The week before Elementary got out, Jalynn and I took the girls to the Zoo, they had so much fun!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


We left for vacation the day after school let out and drove straight through to Florida. The drive was really not too bad, the kids had so much to do that they left us alone for the most part. That is until they fell asleep. Justin slept non stop for 7 hours or so, but Emilie cried in her sleep, that was not fun. We got through it tho and we made it there in one piece. We did stop on the way at Destin Beach to let the kids see the ocean for the very first time. To be funny, Justin says that was one of the best parts of our trip. We met up with more family after we got there, the kids were so excited to see grandpa and grandma. The day after we got there, we took the kids to a really large McDonalds where I lost track of Emilie for a few minutes. Man o man that was scary for me. Cody, Heather, & Cameron arrived a bit later, then everyone went to bed. The first day at the parks we went to Magic Kingdom. You should have seen Emilie's face when she saw the castle, pure joy! We did and saw so many things, but still we did not see all of the park. In the following days we went to Epcot, there Justin loved test track. We also went to Blizzard Beach and Typhoon Lagoon, they were both fun and refreshing. The kids loved the lazy river most of all! We did go back to Magic Kingdom to watch the fireworks, and let me tell you, they were the best fireworks show I ever saw. Our last day there, Aaron got to not feeling to well, but we still went to Hollywood Studios for Star Wars Weekends! Justin had a blast and of course got to go on the Star Tours ride, that was his highlite of the trip, mine was when I got to go to bed! After a long week of walking around we started our way back home, but this time we did not drive straight home. We had an awesome time and we plan on going about 4 years or so! But here are some pictures for everyone to look at in the mean time!

Friday, June 26, 2009

New Hair Cut

Before my family went on vacation, I decided to get my hair cut and I was going to let Hazel do whatever she wanted to my hair. She took over 6 inches off of my hair and highlighted and lightened and the ending result is awesome! I love my new look, it is so easy to take care of and it looks really nice. She did an awesome job!


Oh my, is that gray hair???

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Out of the Loop-Easter info and pics

Okay it seems I just can't seem to catchup anymore these days, so bear with me! Since the last post, nothing real major has happened, but I will update as much as possible.

We had a nice Easter, we colored eggs, really the first time on our own. We had a special kit our friend Natalie gave us, where you could make your own stickers to put on the colored eggs. The kids had a blast.The finished product!
The next morning, they woke up to what they really wanted......Tennis rackets in their Easter baskets!
We also attended our church's Easter egg hunt, the kids had a blast!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Emilie Got a Haircut

A few weeks ago, Emilie wanted to get her haircut, so we did! Our friend cut over 6 inches of hair off. I thought I would miss it, but really it looks really good. Her hair is also much easier to take care of! She said that she did not want mommy fixing her hair all the time, well I of course still fix it, but it does not take as long. No she is not crying in the picture, her eyes were watering from a cold.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bye Bye Bye

Well, we have been getting high electric bills for awhile now, so we emptied the hot tub and cleaned it out a couple months ago. Sure enough, our bill went down some. I suggested to Aaron that maybe we should put it up for sale and to my surprise, he said yes. So I put it on Craigslist about 11am on Thursday and by 2pm I had hits on the Ad! The second person that came by to look at it said we have the money and we will come pick it up. They are coming tomorrow at 1pm to come and get it. Meanwhile I am still getting responses, because silly me did not delete the ad yet. Someone e-mailed me and asked if I would go like super low on it, I was like no way! Anyway, bye bye bye hot tub, maybe we will put chairs and a table where the hot tub is!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Break

Last week was spring break and boy did it seem like a long week. I had my two plus Jewels and Eric across the street. We went to the Library, had movie day, and the fun of the whole week is I treated the kids to the DART train. They were so excited. We went with our neighbor and her friend and their total of 4 kids (total of 8 kids). The ages ranged from 3-8! We took the train to West End and then had snack, took a potty break, then went and got back on the train to head for home. They did have a lot of fun. All in all, it was a good week, all the kids were very good! I was extremely happy when it was time for the kids to go back to school on Monday!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Justin's 8th b-day party

Yeah, I know I am real late on this, but better late then never right. Justin wanted a Lego party, but do you know how hard it is to find Lego stuff for a party. I made the invitations, which let me tell you took a long time. Heather said she could do a Lego cake (turned out nice, thank you Heather). He had several friends come over, they played pin the dot on the Lego, squish the balloon, hot Lego, & they each signed a t-shirt for his party. We also did a warm up type game where I tied certain Lego's onto helium balloons and they all had to find them, it was fun watching them run around trying to find the right one. It was funny tho later when we had them all try to pop the balloons only 2 of them really tried to do it, but most of the other had a blast just watching some pop the balloons! Overall, Justin said that this was the best birthday he ever had, so that made me happy! Stay tuned, I will have more to post in the next couple of days or so.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Happy Joy Joy

I got a call from the DR office yesterday, about Justin's 8 year checkup. While I was on the phone, I asked about Emilie's results, and she patched me through to the nurses station. After leaving a message, a nurse called me back with the results (that came back on Friday) and told me they were all negative that she was fine. She asked some more questions and called another time to ask another question. Couple hours later I get another phone call and was told that the DR thinks that her good bacteria (in layman's terms) got messed up. To fix it, I was told to put her on a regular diet and give her Cultural (or probiotics also called acidophiles) 2 times a day morning and evening. By the way, the Cultural is way expensive we are talking $20 for 3o capsules which will only last for 15 days!

We started her on the Cultural last night and this morning when she woke up, it looked like her intestines got rid of a little bit of icky then she had this super long poop! I was feeling better at this point, so Heather is less stressed today.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Good Job Justin!

It was time for progress reports yesterday, and I was thinking ah man I hope it's a good one. To my surprise, he got all 3's! (3's are like getting A's & 4's are like getting super A's) He did have a 2 in writing, that came up! He has been working on it since the end of last year! His teacher said that he has been working really hard on writing to get his grade up. We found he loves writing about Bionicles, I figure if it helps him write, that is a good thing! Go Justin!!

Justin also turned 8 on Sunday. For his day of fun, he chose to go to Dave and Busters! We went to the Frisco mall, walked around, played at D&B, found his b-day candy (for the party), & just had a ton of fun! We will have his party this Saturday and I will post pics and updates later. Have a great week!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentines Everybody!!!

Just wanted to say have a great day with all the people you love! Okay that sounds a little corny, have a great day! Not sure what we are doing, but we did have a great night. Justin's school did a dance and we went and danced and had a lot of fun, we will post pics later!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Want to cry

I feel so bad for Emilie, it all started January 21st. The kids were really good, so we went to McDonalds to get them some ice cream. Less than 2 hours later, she had a diarrhea accident. It has not stopped since then. We took her last week to the DR office and they could not find anything wrong with her. There is no other symptom at all. No fever, no loss of weight, not dehyrdrated, no tummy aches, not lethargic, just the diarreaha. They told me to keep an eye on her and let them know if gets worse, it did not, so we did nothing except change her diet a bit. Last night she went to the bathroom and everything was normal. This morning she woke up and it was back to the runny poop. UGH It looks like I will have to keep a journal of everything that she eats from now on until we figure out what is going on. I feel so very overwhelmed that I just do not know what to do.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Need to Vent Real Quick

I just need to vent about myself for a little bit. I feel I was a bit naive for the 2008 year. I watch kids before and after school and did not think that I earned enough money to pay self employment taxes, well turns out I did make enough and my taxes are hefty! I am soooo mad at myself! I now know that if I continue what I am doing I am going to have to set aside money to pay for the taxes for 2009 as well as pay them quarterly! UGH, I am wondering if this is worth the hassle!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas and New Year

Well, our Christmas went well, and let me tell you it was definitly quiet. The kids got out for Christmas break and I watched the extra kids. I threw a little party for the kids the day before Christmas Eve. They all had a blast. Justin's big gift was a brand new razor bike. We bought a bag for it to cover, but found it was see through! Emile's big gift was a pink Hello Kitty TV, we covered with a bag as well, but ended up that we just threw a large blanket over it. Surprisingly enough, they did not peek and did wait till we got up. They actually waited till about 8:30 before we got out of bed. They opened their stockings first and played with all the little things first. We then had breakfast, although right now, I have no idea what we all ate. Then we opened all the gifts. Emile pulled the bag down around her TV, but it was not until we opened the box that she realized what it was. It was funny! Anyway, our family gift this year was Guitar Hero! We all love it and there are some cute pictures of the kids with it. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family!Thanks Kate, the kids love their t-shirts, they wore them the very next day!Justin, Emilie, & Mrs. Pickens at Justin's Winter party at the last day of school before break!Emilie tried real hard, but I think maybe she hit 2 notes out of the whole song!Justin loved playing Guitar Hero! He thinks he is a rock star!Justin's new bike, he was real excited and it was warm enough to go outside without a coat on Christmas day!